Friday, April 11, 2014

100. I Love ... my Locket

It was a gift for our third anniversary,
a gold chain with 
a gold heart locket
that opens.

It is
without a doubt
my favourite piece of jewellery.

I wear it constantly.
It has seldom left my neck
in 37 years.
On the rare occasion that I have removed it
to wear something else because it 'goes',
I feel naked.

On our 25th Anniversary, 
Brian gave me a gold chain with a diamond,
and to be honest,
I thought ... why?
What a waste - I won't wear it - 
I only want my locket.
I lost the diamond and chain.
I think it was inevitable
because I needed to get my locket back 
where it belonged.

Every one of my children,
every one of my grandchildren ...
ten little people
whose eyes have gone directly to that spot
from the minute they could focus,
whose tiny hands have reached for it -
that is what that locket is to me.

The chain has been repaired more than once
because they use it as a handle,
they grab hold and pull.

And every one of them has asked me to
'Open It'.
And every one has been concerned 
that there is nothing in it.

I tell them -
'there IS'.

I tell them it is FULL.
It is my magic heart
with unending room for

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