Tuesday, December 30, 2014

112 I Love ... sound eyes closed

Outside sound.

As I sit here with my eyes closed,
I can hear the world.

You can hear so much better
with your eyes closed.

I am hearing what must be 
a pigeon.
Cooing. Cooing.

I will make it a Turtle Dove.
That sounds so much more
than a 

It's cooing sometimes changes
in intensity
where I might think it is a 
tiny, miniature cow.
Not cooing.

Sometimes it sounds 
like it is in labour.

Coo softly
pigeon or cow.
like a
turtle dove.

I hear the wind.
It sounds like I am at
the sea.
It is tide-like;
swishing through the tree tops.

I hear wings flapping.
Like a helicopter.
I have to open my eyes
to see 
what makes such a noise.

No - ravens.
That sounds more

Monday, December 29, 2014

111 I Love .... summer evenings on the Farm

Of all the days 
that I have spent on our farm,
it is those

early summer evenings
when I wander around

or just sit on
the back porch

that are engrained
in my memory.

110 I Love ... the sun on my face in Springtime.

Closing my eyes,
face towards the sun
and looking at my eyelids.

Head back.
Face turned upward.

Sunset red
through my eyelids.

Warmth on my skin.

A gentle breeze
softly sweeping any heat away
and just keeping me

A warmth
that travels through me,
making me grateful
another spring.

109 I Love ... sitting in some weirdly random place

I have sat this day
in the sunshine in a spot that I have never sat in the almost two dozen years
that we have lived here ...
 behind the barn on the cement pad,
 right beside a big pile of accumulated winter manure.

Yes. Donkey Exrement.

Yes. It's a tad bizarre.
For sure.

But the sun is beating down on me
 and it feels glorious.

And I dont mind the smell of donkey poop at all.
It's ab earthy, homey,
 almost comforting fragrance to me.

 I realize that I may basically alone in that observation.
 But that's okay.
 And so is sitting
 in a completely weird and random place. 
It works.

It's Good Friday.
It's ususally gray and suitably dismal this day;
 like the world is in mourning.
And so it should be.

This day is new life.
 And so I chose to spend my quietly,
 beginning this with great gratitude 
for my simple ability to

Sunday, December 28, 2014

108 I Love ... baby animals at play

Watching baby animals play.

rolling and chasing,
hiding and pouncing.

running after children.
their tail.

Baby donkeys
Bouncing like Tigger.

baby goats.

Now, baby goats -
they know how to play.

Standing on their back legs,
running at each other,
heads sideways
And do it again.

It's wonderful to see the
the energy,
the sheer joy
of movement.
Of play.

Not the 
slow trod,
the limp,
the plodding 
of us
old dogs.

107 I Love ... Ransom laying

It's April 30th, 2012.
I have once again gone in a search of 
a warm spot
on a chilly day.
A breezy spring afternoon where 
it's only reach 9 degrees.

I have discovered that behind the barn 
right next to the old stone wall,
the sun beats best.

I brough my creative journal and this one,
and have written,
letting Ransom has his freedom to 
graze away from the rest of the herd.
He's my special friend.

The sun made me sleepy.
I didn't want to cut Ransom's grazing time short,
so I just laid down where I was.

I shut my eyes.
I heard a noise close by.

There he was
close to me.

I felt a great trust and comfort
with my faithful old friend.

Monday, December 1, 2014

106 I Love ... sultry nights

The kind where the air
just hangs.

It's confirmation to me
that I have a 
Southern soul.

I envsion lie oaks
with moss dripping from the branches.

Still, heavy air 
that wraps you up 
like a blanket.

It makes me want to stay up
all night
and sit on the back porch.

There is a hush
over the world on those nights.

It speaks to me of quiet.

It somehow speaks more to me 
of the past
than the present.

I think of our summer nights 
at the racetrack in the States.
No need ever for a sweater.

That is my favourite kind of
summer night.
One that I wish
would last so much longer.

Nights like that are a gift.
Few and far between
some years.